Quotation Explorer - 'Evan Ricafort'

In life, friends become family, sometimes they become enemy and enemy becomes motivation. - Evan Ricafort
To achieve your goals, just focus on your target and explore. - Evan Ricafort
Don't be afraid of failure because failure can help you achieve your goals. - Evan Ricafort
Life is a wonderful adventure, there are ups and downs and you should deal with it in order to survive. - Evan Ricafort
Life is simple, If you can't deal with it then you will lose. - Evan Ricafort
Writing your own qoutes is like you started writing your history. - Evan Ricafort
Writing your own quotes is like you started writing your history. - Evan Ricafort
History is written by the legends. - Evan Ricafort
Your history will depend on your actions. - Evan Ricafort
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